Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 10, 2014

Bạn Cần Biết Bản THỐNG KÊ Di Dân Việt Nam Tại Siêu Cường Quốc Hoa Kỳ -- Vietnamese Immigrants in the United States

Bạn Cần Biết Bản THỐNG KÊ Di Dân Việt Nam Tại Siêu Cường Quốc Hoa Kỳ -- Vietnamese Immigrants in the United States

Most Vietnamese immigrants settled in California (40 percent) and Texas (12 percent), followed by Washington State (4 percent), Florida (4 percent), and Virginia (3 percent) pooled 2008-12 ACS data show. The three counties with the most Vietnamese immigrants were all in California: Orange County, Los Angeles County, and Santa Clara County. Together, the three co...unties accounted for 26 percent of the Vietnamese immigrant population in the United States.

Income and Poverty

In 2012, the median household income among Vietnamese immigrants was $55,736 — significantly lower than for immigrants from South Eastern Asia ($65,488), but higher than for the total immigrant population ($46,983) and the U.S.-born population ($51,975).
Fifteen percent of Vietnamese immigrants lived in poverty in 2012, slightly higher than the poverty rate for the foreign born from South Eastern Asia (12 percent), but equivalent to the poverty rate for the native-born population (15 percent) and lower than the 19 percent for the overall foreign-born population.

Immigration Pathways and Naturalization

In 2012, approximately 1,259,000 Vietnamese immigrants resided in the United States, comprising 31 percent of the 4 million foreign-born from South Eastern Asia, 11 percent of the 11.9 million foreign-born from Asia, and 3 percent of the 40.8 million overall foreign-born population. Vietnamese immigrants were much more likely to be naturalized citizens (76 percent), compared to 67 percent of the foreign-born from South Eastern Asia and 46 percent of the total U.S. foreign-born population.
Most Vietnamese immigrants arrived in the United States before 2000 (75 percent), 20 percent between 2000 and 2009, and 5 percent in 2010 and thereafter.


Total remittances sent to Vietnam via formal channels equaled $11 billion in 2013, (wow! chính quyền VN tự nhiên mỗi năm có được hơn 11 tỷ đô la ngoại tệ...Trước 1975 mơ cũng không được! Nhưng tội nghiệp cho người dân lao động, khoảng cách cuộc sống người nghèo và giàu càng lúc càng cách xa -- iTemple: HoPhap.Net) representing about 6 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), according to data from the World Bank. The amount of remittances received by Vietnam has increased tenfold since the late 1990s.

Đọc hết các chi tiết bài viết nguyên cứu có giá trị này, hoan hỷ bấm vào link dưới:

Phòng Nguyên Cứu & Kế Hoặch -- iTemple: HoPhap.Net

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